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How to Spot and Address Exterior Paint Problems Like a Pro

Your home's exterior paint not only enhances its curb appeal but also serves as a protective barrier against the elements. Over time, exposure to weather, sunlight, and other factors can lead to paint problems. In this guide, we'll show you how to identify common exterior paint issues and the steps to address them effectively.

1. Peeling Paint

Spotting: Peeling paint is one of the most noticeable issues. It starts as small flakes and can spread, leaving your surface exposed.


  • Scrape off loose and peeling paint using a putty knife or scraper.

  • Sand the affected area to create a smooth surface.

  • Apply a quality primer to the prepared area.

  • Repaint with a top-quality exterior paint, ensuring it's compatible with the primer.

2. Cracking or Alligatoring

Spotting: Cracks or an alligator-like pattern on the paint surface often result from old, brittle paint.


  • Remove the damaged paint with a scraper.

  • Sand the area to smooth it.

  • Apply a flexible exterior caulk to seal cracks.

  • Prime and repaint the area using an elastic, high-quality paint.

3. Blistering Paint

Spotting: Paint blisters appear as bubbles or bumps on the surface and are typically caused by moisture.


  • Identify and fix the source of moisture (e.g., leaky gutters).

  • Scrape off blistered paint and sand the surface.

  • Prime the area to seal it.

  • Repaint with a moisture-resistant paint.

4. Fading and Chalking

Spotting: Fading occurs when paint loses its color intensity over time. Chalking is when a powdery residue appears when you rub your hand against the paint.


  • Clean the surface thoroughly to remove chalk residue.

  • Repaint with a high-quality, UV-resistant exterior paint.

5. Mildew and Mold Growth

Spotting: Mildew or mold on painted surfaces appear as black or green spots and can flourish in humid environments.


  • Clean the affected area with a mixture of water and mildew-killing solution (like bleach).

  • Rinse thoroughly and let it dry.

  • Repaint using a mildew-resistant paint.

6. Efflorescence

Spotting: Efflorescence appears as a white, powdery substance on masonry surfaces and is caused by salt deposits.


  • Remove efflorescence with a stiff brush or scraper.

  • Clean the surface with water.

  • Seal the masonry with a suitable waterproofing product before repainting.

7. Rust Stains

Spotting: Rust stains can occur on metal surfaces like railings or ironwork.


  • Remove rust using a wire brush or sandpaper.

  • Apply a rust-inhibiting primer.

  • Repaint with a rust-resistant paint.

Regular maintenance and prompt attention to these common exterior paint problems can extend the life and beauty of your home's exterior. If you're unsure about tackling these issues yourself, consider consulting a Hometown Exterior Painting Co. for expert guidance.

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